A semi-interactive journey of uncommon profundity.
Gluten Free Tokyo - No/Low gluten restaurants around Tokyo
Cheap Adelaide Restaurants - My pick of cheap places to eat in Adelaide.
Cheap Canberra Restaurants - My less comprehensive list of cheap places to eat in Canberra.
Restaurant Reviews - A not-yet comprehensive review of the finest dining Adelaide has to offer.
Exam Prep 2006 - 2006 exam preparation notes.
Projects - Things I'd like to do some day.
Library Fraud - Joel's guide to library fraud.
QandA - Q and A I wrote for an older incarnation of my Web site.
Cheap FPGA Development Boards - The results of my endless search for cheaper stuff.
Digilent Atlys resources - Guides and code for using peripherals on the Digilent Atlys board.
Xilinx MIG Tutorial - A guide to configuring, simulating and synthesising using the Xilinx Spartan-6 Memory Interface Generator and ISE.
Splunk Tips - Useful snippets for Splunk Enterprise
Creative Stage Air - Improving the Creative Stage Air Bluetooth speaker.
Cisco Tips - Things I've found with Cisco devices. Mostly CME and ASAs.
General Notes - Tips that aren't impressive on their own. For CPanel, Mac OS X, etc.
SquirrelMail - Advice for using SquirrelMail with Dovecot and possibly other things.
LaTeX Notes - Things I've figured out about the LaTeX typesetting system.
Connected Pot Plant - ESP32-powered IoT pot plant
UDPProxy - A daemon that forwards UDP broadcasts as unicast packets.
Pic Mcu Tips - Things I've found while fiddling with Microchip PIC MCUs.
MSP430 Launchpad Code - Bits for the MSP430 Launchpad.
Iodine Script - A simple script that kicks off iodine under Mac OS X.
JavaScript CSV - JavaScript functions for importing CSV data.
Maildir Spam Checking - A script that checks a Maildir against SpamAssassin.
RAID Setup - most likely outdated guide for converting an existing Linux system to RAID.
Openswan Annoyances - Solutions for the NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN and protocol/port errors with Openswan, and other tips and tricks.
Dovecot Vpopmail Setup - Most likely outdated guide to getting the Dovecot IMAP server talking to vpopmail.