I spend some of my time working with FPGAs - exclusively Xilinx parts at the moment - and have documented a few interesting points about them here.

FPGA resources for beginners

Cheap FPGA Development Boards - The results of my endless search for cheaper stuff.

Digilent Atlys resources - Guides and code for using peripherals on the Digilent Atlys board.

Xilinx MIG Tutorial - A guide to configuring, simulating and synthesising using the Xilinx Spartan-6 Memory Interface Generator and ISE.

Numato Lab Elbert Review - A review of the Numato Lab Elbert Spartan 3A FPGA Development Board.

Avnet Spartan 3A Evaluation Kit - Some tips for this cheap and nice but discontinued board.

Simple HDMI Frame Buffer - Displaying a low resolution image over HDMI using a BRAM frame buffer.