

  • Login - done - use openid thing - still to do
  • acts_as_taggable or current equivalent - mostly working
  • Submission of events - mostly done
  • Submission of businesses
  • Submission of clubs/not for profits

All need to have admin approval/editing - mostly working

  • Submission of wall posts to Facebook upon approval
  • Auto-friend request if Facebook profile is provided?

Actual progress

  • 20100514 - Fiddle with BigOldRailsTemplate. Decide to cherry-pick from the things it uses, but not bother with it per se.
  • 20100517
    • Get caught up in irrelevant details. I should be writing forms, but I want to make them look non-arse before I get going.
    • Settle on using Compass/Blueprint. Would be good to use Haml.. but I actually want to do this in a hurry.
    • Decide to use Haml anyway. Find a sample application.haml layout file.
    • Decide that Compass doesn't really get me anywhere
    • Start making event submission form. Fiddle around with FlagShihTzu for fields where there are lots of boolean options - settle on has_many :through as this makes the Web form incredibly easy to produce. Will never need to sort on these fields, but who cares.
    • Get to grips with Haml, somewhat - decide that it's good mainly for tables, which are awful to code manually in HTML.
    • Style forms with formtastic-sass - but this only works with Blueprint, not Compass+Blueprint.
    • Figure out how Compass styles forms. Compass documentation is non-existent.
  • 20100519
    • Get bogged down in trying to add UJS and JQuery hints to forms inputs. Give up for now.
    • Debug form boolean value validation problem - fixed using validates_inclusion_of :field_name, :in => [true, false]
    • Need to sort out user authentication. Install Authlogic. Use roles code from bort.
    • Add more fields to the form. Finish up with a non-working seralising frequency field.
  • 20100520
    • Fix JQuery - was including the wrong JS file.
    • Finish implementing a working event submission thing, complete with file uploads and bits of the form that appear and disappear depending on the user's status
    • Implement admin editing/moderation of newly submitted events
    • Simple display of events on the front page, not in any sort of order yet.
    • Implement will_paginate - that was easy!
    • Implement acts_as_taggable_on_steroids - looks like I've already done this.
    • Implement jQuery Tag Suggest Plugin, or something else, after a whole lot of fiddling.
    • Start implementing business model
  • 20100521
    • CSS cleanup in forms - looking much nicer now
    • Realise that acts_as_taggable_on_steroids only supports a single tag pool. Switch to its for, acts_as_taggable_on
    • FInish business model
    • Separate tags
    • Gravatar support for users
    • User page now shows own events and businesses