
See new HierarchicalPartitioning results

All ANOVAs conducted using log+1 transforms. All charts show mean abundance. Error bars show 1 SE

Comparisons of treatment and site

Site effect was only significant for one species, Lerista edwardsae. Does this mean that sites can be pooled in subsequent analyses?

Generated using lmemultifactor()

Rare species, pooled, minimal model

            numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)     1    22 133.98304  <.0001
Site            1     4   0.61518  0.4767
Conn            1    22   1.71652  0.2037
Site:Conn       1    22  10.58785  0.0036 ***


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
 epdata$Site               1 0.2058  0.2058  1.2226 0.281978   
 epdata$Treat              4 4.0046  1.0011  5.9467 0.002542 **
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 1.0892  0.2723  1.6174 0.208885   
 Residuals                20 3.3670  0.1684                    
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

                   numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 (Intercept)           1    16  7.772721  0.0132 *
 Site                  1     4  0.744309  0.4369
 Setting               1    16 22.816299  0.0002 **
 Dune                  1    16  2.366991  0.1435
 Conn                  1    16  0.394499  0.5388
 Site:Setting          1    16  2.184868  0.1588
 Site:Dune             1    16  2.366991  0.1435
 Site:Conn             1    16  0.394499  0.5388
 Setting:Dune          1    16  2.761490  0.1160
 Site:Setting:Dune     1    16  2.761490  0.1160

 Removing three-way interaction makes AIC worse


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1 0.4004  0.4004  1.7916 0.19574  
 epdata$Treat              4 3.4706  0.8677  3.8826 0.01715 *
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 0.8008  0.2002  0.8958 0.48479  
 Residuals                20 4.4694  0.2235                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

 species ~ Site + Setting + Dune + Conn + Site:Setting + Setting:Dune 

              numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 (Intercept)      1    19 21.033257  0.0002 ***
 Site             1     4  1.748863  0.2566
 Setting          1    19 13.923258  0.0014 **
 Dune             1    19  0.009700  0.9226
 Conn             1    19  0.058201  0.8119
 Site:Setting     1    19  3.055575  0.0966 .
 Setting:Dune     1    19  3.666690  0.0707 .


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1 0.1917  0.1917  0.5949 0.44956  
 epdata$Treat              4 3.4298  0.8574  2.6613 0.06271 .
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 0.7667  0.1917  0.5949 0.67042  
 Residuals                20 6.4438  0.3222                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

 Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
   Data: epdata 
   Log-likelihood: -59.71518
   Fixed: species ~ Setting 
  (Intercept)  SettingPark 
 3.353951e-16 1.833333e+00 

 Random effects:
  Formula: ~1 | Block
         (Intercept) Residual
 StdDev:   0.7051382 1.660824

 Number of Observations: 30
 Number of Groups: 6 

              numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 (Intercept)     1    23  5.942308  0.0229 *
 Setting         1    23 13.909066  0.0011 **


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1 0.5134  0.5134  1.3197 0.26420  
 epdata$Treat              4 4.6909  1.1727  3.0147 0.04252 *
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 1.3626  0.3407  0.8757 0.49586  
 Residuals                20 7.7802  0.3890                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

              numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 (Intercept)      1    19 16.435473  0.0007 **
 Site             1     4  0.671926  0.4584
 Setting          1    19 19.147975  0.0003 **
 Dune             1    19  0.032842  0.8581
 Conn             1    19  0.313499  0.5821
 Site:Setting     1    19  2.656279  0.1196
 Site:Conn        1    19  2.337651  0.1428


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1 2.3719  2.3719  6.3785 0.02010 *
 epdata$Treat              4 2.4738  0.6184  1.6631 0.19793  
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 2.7390  0.6847  1.8414 0.16050  
 Residuals                20 7.4374  0.3719                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1  

Using lme

             numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 (Intercept)      1    18 28.629172  <.0001 **
 Site             1     4  6.886502  0.0585 .
 Setting          1    18  2.985413  0.1011
 Dune             1    18  1.384252  0.2547
 Conn             1    18  0.784562  0.3874
 Site:Setting     1    18  4.591002  0.0461 *
 Site:Dune        1    18  2.954090  0.1028
 Setting:Dune     1    18  2.027920  0.1715


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)   
 epdata$Site               1 0.6237  0.6237  3.6014 0.072260 . 
 epdata$Treat              4 3.7961  0.9490  5.4804 0.003805 **
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 0.9689  0.2422  1.3988 0.270383   
 Residuals                20 3.4633  0.1732                    
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

              numDF denDF   F-value p-value
 (Intercept)      1    19 22.520103  0.0001 **
 Site             1     4  3.958531  0.1175
 Setting          1    19  6.620797  0.0186 *
 Dune             1    19  9.552353  0.0060 **
 Conn             1    19  3.382333  0.0816 .
 Site:Dune        1    19  5.132824  0.0354 *
 Setting:Dune     1    19  4.539817  0.0464 *


                          Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1  0.1882  0.1882  0.2312 0.63586  
 epdata$Treat              4 10.7005  2.6751  3.2855 0.03180 *
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4  0.9806  0.2452  0.3011 0.87375  
 Residuals                20 16.2847  0.8142                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

             numDF denDF  F-value p-value
 (Intercept)     1    22 52.37777  <.0001
 Setting         1    22  1.92294  0.1794
 Dune            1    22 13.54367  0.0013 **


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
 epdata$Site               1 0.3122  0.3122  1.1805 0.2902
 epdata$Treat              4 0.7078  0.1770  0.6692 0.6209
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 0.4359  0.1090  0.4121 0.7978
 Residuals                20 5.2889  0.2644                

Using lme

             numDF denDF F-value p-value
 (Intercept)     1    24 9.24163  0.0056 *


                          Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1 0.02720 0.02720  0.1972 0.66176  
 epdata$Treat              4 1.57177 0.39294  2.8485 0.05098 .
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 1.08766 0.27191  1.9711 0.13791  
 Residuals                20 2.75896 0.13795                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1 

Using lme

             numDF denDF  F-value p-value
 (Intercept)     1    20 755.0215  <.0001 ***
 Site            1     4   0.2017  0.6766
 Setting         1    20  12.0955  0.0024 **
 Dune            1    20   0.0005  0.9830
 Conn            1    20   0.0005  0.9828
 Site:Conn       1    20   7.0582  0.0151 *


                          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
 epdata$Site               1 0.5967  0.5967  1.7515 0.20062  
 epdata$Treat              4 3.2982  0.8245  2.4204 0.08223 .
 epdata$Site:epdata$Treat  4 1.6047  0.4012  1.1776 0.35060  
 Residuals                20 6.8133  0.3407                  
 Signif. codes:  0 ***, 0.001 **, 0.01 *, 0.05 ., 0.1  , 1

Using LME

              numDF denDF  F-value p-value 
 (Intercept)      1    18 634.9432  <.0001 ***
 Site             1     4   1.8815  0.2421
 Setting          1    18   9.7700  0.0058 *
 Dune             1    18   0.2075  0.6542
 Conn             1    18   0.2610  0.6157
 Site:Setting     1    18   1.0573  0.3175
 Site:Dune        1    18   0.6200  0.4413
 Site:Conn        1    18   3.0297  0.0988 .

Farm/Park interaction with Dune/Swale (Hypothesis 1)

Hypothesis: The agricultural or conservation park setting has an interaction with swale and dune-top settings in explaining differences in reptile communities. Also fit the dune interaction to check Hypothesis 3.

Ctenophorus fordi

                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21  8.519283  0.0082
farmfactor          1    21 20.017807  0.0002 ***
Dune                1    21  2.076672  0.1643
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  2.768897  0.1110


                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 17.227168  0.0005
farmfactor          1    21 13.003980  0.0017 **
Dune                1    21  0.009060  0.9251
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  2.717935  0.1141


                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21  5.517858  0.0287
farmfactor          1    21 13.123339  0.0016 **
Dune                1    21  0.143408  0.7087
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  0.191210  0.6664


                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 16.211080  0.0006
farmfactor          1    21 16.817223  0.0005 ***
Dune                1    21  0.028845  0.8668
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  0.021633  0.8845


                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 14.771562  0.0009
farmfactor          1    21  2.207673  0.1522
Dune                1    21  1.023636  0.3232
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  0.767727  0.3908


                numDF denDF   F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 15.323702  0.0008
farmfactor          1    21  4.505092  0.0459 *
Dune                1    21  6.499855  0.0187 *
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  1.227008  0.2805


                numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 50.43785  <.0001
farmfactor          1    21  1.85529  0.1876
Dune                1    21 13.06717  0.0016 **
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  0.04005  0.8433


                numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 9.135788  0.0065
farmfactor          1    21 0.757254  0.3940
Dune                1    21 0.118875  0.7337
farmfactor:Dune     1    21 1.791742  0.1950


                numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 660.0790  <.0001
farmfactor          1    21   8.6397  0.0078 **
Dune                1    21   0.0529  0.8203
farmfactor:Dune     1    21   0.5355  0.4724


                numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 579.5905  <.0001
farmfactor          1    21   7.9368  0.0103 *
Dune                1    21   0.3625  0.5536
farmfactor:Dune     1    21   0.0205  0.8875


                numDF denDF  F-value p-value
(Intercept)         1    21 96.06453  <.0001
farmfactor          1    21  1.78720  0.1956
Dune                1    21  0.01485  0.9042
farmfactor:Dune     1    21  0.10288  0.7516

Roadside connectivity (Hypothesis 2)

The composition of reptile communities inhabiting paddock dune-tops that are connected to vegetated roadside swales is different to that of the reptile communities inhabiting paddock dune-tops isolated from roadside vegetation.

Uses lme(log(species+1) ~ Treat, random = ~1|Block, data=farms, method="ML")

Ctenophorus fordi, Ctenotus schomburgkii not found in farms.

Dunetop communities (Hypothesis 3)

Reptile communities inhabiting dune-tops 10 km from a conservation park are different to those living on dune-tops within conservation parks

MDS and environmental variables

2D MDS (stress = 19.23265) with envfit vectors (p < 0.1). Vectors are probably dangerous as the MDS is unconstrained by them. Treatments within a replicate blocks share colour. ordisurf shows Condition.

Using ANOSIM, based on 1000 permutations, against presence-absence vegdist (29 sites)

 "Pspinifex"   R =  0.2136   P = 0.007 *
 "Pmelaleuca"  R =  0.2939   P = 0.014 *
 "Peucalyptus" R = -0.1302   P = 0.717 
 "Spinifex"    R = -0.1582   P = 0.893 
 "Melaleuca"   R = -0.07018  P = 0.675 
 "Eucalyptus"  R =  0.2642   P = 0.085 .
 "Bare"        R =  0.009395 P = 0.471 
 "Leaf"        R = -0.1341   P = 0.732 
 "Other"       R =  0.1476   P = 0.108 
 "Clay"        R =  0.1759   P = 0.078 .
 "Canopy"      R =  0.3745   P = 0.003 *
 "Condition"   R =  0.4032   P = 0.001 *

Using ANOSIM, based on 1000 permutations, against abundance vegdist (30 sites)

 "Pspinifex"   R =  0.2238   P = 0.002 *
 "Pmelaleuca"  R =  0.266    P = 0.011 *
 "Peucalyptus" R = -0.1101   P = 0.646 
 "Spinifex"    R = -0.09845  P = 0.818 
 "Melaleuca"   R = -0.0745   P = 0.689 
 "Eucalyptus"  R =  0.2404   P = 0.072 .
 "Bare"        R = -0.02545  P = 0.536 
 "Leaf"        R = -0.1698   P = 0.801 
 "Other"       R =  0.1448   P = 0.105 
 "Clay"        R =  0.1603   P = 0.066 .
 "Canopy"      R =  0.3686   P = 0.002 *
 "Condition"   R =  0.3928   P = 0.001 *

Using envfit, 1000 permutations, against presence-absence MDS (29 sites)

                 NMDS1     NMDS2     r2 Pr(>r)    
 Pspinifex   -0.992446 -0.122679 0.2067  0.049 *  
 Pmelaleuca  -0.635672 -0.771960 0.2523  0.024 *  
 Peucalyptus  0.955749 -0.294184 0.0168  0.811    
 Spinifex    -0.973562 -0.228422 0.1372  0.154    
 Melaleuca   -0.891114 -0.453780 0.1363  0.140    
 Eucalyptus   0.428748  0.903424 0.1110  0.192    
 Bare         0.338175 -0.941083 0.4062  0.001 ***
 Leaf         0.276493  0.961016 0.1482  0.117    
 Other        0.031735  0.999496 0.1082  0.237    
 Clay         0.574420  0.818561 0.2167  0.029 *  
 Canopy       0.816723  0.577029 0.0994  0.251    
 Condition   -0.915488  0.402345 0.6122 <0.001 ***

Using adonis

 adonis(formula = ahr ~ Pspinifex + Pmelaleuca + Peucalyptus +      Spinifex + Melaleuca + Eucalyptus + Bare + Leaf + Other +      Clay + Canopy + Condition, data = vegdata, permutations = 1000) 

                   Df SumsOfSqs  MeanSqs  F.Model     R2 Pr(>F)    
 Pspinifex    1.00000   0.91484  0.91484  3.92451 0.0953 <0.001 ***
 Pmelaleuca   1.00000   0.46948  0.46948  2.01399 0.0489  0.059 .  
 Peucalyptus  1.00000   0.20934  0.20934  0.89802 0.0218  0.996    
 Spinifex     1.00000   0.29480  0.29480  1.26464 0.0307  1.000    
 Melaleuca    1.00000   0.30302  0.30302  1.29991 0.0316  1.000    
 Eucalyptus   1.00000   0.32787  0.32787  1.40652 0.0342  1.000    
 Bare         1.00000   0.71195  0.71195  3.05414 0.0742  0.996    
 Leaf         1.00000   0.26100  0.26100  1.11964 0.0272  1.000    
 Other        1.00000   0.26978  0.26978  1.15732 0.0281  1.000    
 Clay         1.00000   0.42419  0.42419  1.81969 0.0442  1.000    
 Canopy       1.00000   0.29266  0.29266  1.25545 0.0305  1.000    
 Condition    1.00000   1.15915  1.15915  4.97254 0.1207  1.000    
 Residuals   17.00000   3.96286  0.23311          0.4128           
 Total       29.00000   9.60094                   1.0000          

adonis with each parameter fitted one-by-one:

 Pspinifex    1.00000   0.91484  0.91484  2.94903 0.0953  0.008 **
 Pmelaleuca   1.00000   0.70146  0.70146  2.20698 0.0731  0.023 *
 Peucalyptus  1.00000   0.22738  0.22738  0.67921 0.0237  0.786
 Spinifex     1.00000   0.71905  0.71905  2.26678 0.0749  0.017 *
 Melaleuca    1.00000   0.69733  0.69733  2.19295 0.0726  0.016 *
 Eucalyptus   1.00000   0.30853  0.30853  0.92968 0.0321  0.516
 Bare         1.00000   0.74689  0.74689  2.36198 0.0778  0.017 *
 Leaf         1.00000   0.50450  0.50450  1.55290 0.0525  0.118
 Other        1.00000   0.33578  0.33578  1.01477 0.035   0.42
 Clay         1.00000   0.74817  0.74817  2.36636 0.0779  0.015 *
 Canopy       1.00000   0.53242  0.53242  1.64390 0.0555  0.092 .
 Condition    1.00000   1.79674  1.79674  6.44637 0.1871 < 0.001 ***