Calibration: HP 8782A set to 150 MHz, -60 dBm Connected to FHS3, reading of -59.5 dBm
FHS3 set to 150 MHz +/- 5 KHz, RBW 1 kHz, VBW 10 Hz
Note, these tests were performed without the optional RF choke - I didn't have an SMD part, so in the preceding tests I replaced it with a wire link.
Try an enormous 60 uH radial RF choke. Wire it up incorrectly (because it's so big and I can't see what I'm doing), and the MAX2611 starts smelling terrible.
But still works!
Check ID current. 1.382/56 = 24.67 mA. Should be a gain of 22 dB, according to the datasheet!
Try some other frequencies.
No, maximum response seems to be around 145 MHz. where I get -48.8 dBm - a gain of 11.2 dB.
Check the signal at the input to the LNA to see how much insertion loss is in the filter.
So the filter is losing about 8 dB. The gain of the amplifier must then be about 14.5 dB.
Will replace the MAX2611 with a new part, but will investigate why the filter is so bad first.